The Path to Global Rollout of Edge Computing through ETSI Standardization of MEC Federation

13:25 | Tuesday 11th October 2022

The Path to Global Rollout of Edge Computing through ETSI Standardization of MEC Federation

Edge Developers Conference

The presentation will cover key standardization activities in ETSI MEC (Multi-Access Edge Computing) with a special focus on edge cloud federation. The standards development is motivated by technical requirements originating from both service providers (e.g. GSMA OPG) and vertical market segments (e.g. 5GAA) reliant on the new business opportunities edge computing facilitates. The talk will give an overview of the MEC reference architecture, and provide a description of the group’s ongoing activities to further enhance the normative work in ETSI MEC, to standardize federation APIs and interfaces (done also in collaboration and alignment with other bodies, e.g. 3GPP, and projects). Additionally, an overview of the ETSI MEC developer outreach activities (e.g. collaboration with Akraino, OpenAPI representations, MEC Hackathons, MEC Sandbox, PoCs, Trials, Plugtests) will be provided.